
Flute, clarinet in Bb, vibraphone, 2 violins I, 2 violins II, 2 violas, 2 violoncellos, contrabass. Written and recorded in 2022. Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles, conducted by Jean-Paul Dessy. Commissioned by Musiques Nouvelles. Unpublished. Duration: 1m.

The 60th anniversary of an ensemble dedicated to contemporary creation is an anniversary worth celebrating. On 5 December 2023, the musicians of Musiques Nouvelles, under the direction of their conductor Jean-Paul Dessy, were giving a special concert of sixty minutes of music by sixty composers. I had the immense pleasure of taking part in this beautiful collective adventure, adding Rainbows to it, which is also number 43 of my larger project dedicated to the Tulse Luper Suitcases.

About my suitcases